
Showing posts from November, 2018

Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Gluten Free Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls   Confession: I, Gemma have a major sweet tooth. If it was socially acceptable to eat Rowntrees Randoms all day I could and I would, though I’m sure I would be feeling like a bloated, uncomfortable ball by the end of the day. In reality, I try to eat healthy most of the time, cooking (well my boyfriend) from scratch at home whilst devouring whatever the hell I want (gluten free of course) when I go out. Life is all about balance. There’s always this craving mid-afternoon though where I just need something sweet. Instead of trapesing to the office vending machine in search for a gluten free chocolate bar, I’ve been trying out that thing people talk about… ‘Being prepared’. When in the ‘zone’ and firmly on the healthy eating band wagon, I try to stay clear of confectionary goods and try to, where possible, only eat homemade goodies. This fuelled my taste buds into finding an alternative to satisfy and curb my cravings...