21 stupid things people say when you mention gluten free

Daily struggles being gluten intolerant (light hearted)

As if life against the grain(s) wasn't bad enough, you have to put up with hearing some pretty stupid things. I get it, before I went gluten free I was blissfully ignorant of the need for some people to live a gluten free life and I had, admittedly great ignorance in the issues and implications it could have for someone if consumed. The general population isn't as clued up on gluten intolerances, allergies and most importantly, coeliac disease, which is understandably why diagnosis rates are low. Before I had countless appointments with my consultant, I was unaware that I had any gastro issues and deemed the side effects I was experiences as 'normal', it was actually my consultant that highlighted that my countless toilet trips, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, brain fog and fatigue were actually a red flag and not something that everyone suffered with. WHAT?! 

What seems like a lifetime later, and after countless tests, blood samples, MRI's, colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies and endoscopies I finally got the diagnosis that I was non coeliac gluten intolerant coupled with 'extreme' IBS - lucky me!

It has been almost a year since I gave up 'the grains' and I can honestly say that my life quality has went through the roof since I eradicated that pesky gluten from my diet, albeit it still gets tiring being asked the same old questions and suddenly everyone turns into a nutritionist when you just happen to mention the phrase gluten free. Sometimes it can seem like the loneliest issue in the world to have, "Is it just me?" Don't worry folks, you're not alone!

Lets begin with the stupid questions...

"So what do you eat?"
"Can't you just risk it?"
"So what happens if you eat gluten?"
"Can you have bananas?" 
"Can you eat meat?"
"Are you sure you are actually gluten intolerant? what exactly are your symptoms?" - favourite for some GP's!
"Are you vegan/vegetarian?"

That polite smile response at condescending remarks....

Me: "I'm gluten free". Stranger: "Oh! Is that why you're so skinny? Lucky you!"
"I went on a gluten free diet once... I lost so much weight!"
"Oh, so gluten just makes you fart?"
"I don't know how you do it!" - Eh... I don't have much choice!
"I wish I had the same problem, maybe I wouldn't eat so much cake"
"Oh it's such a pain having to cater for a gluten free person... it's just a fad diet"
"Gluten free didn't exist 10 years ago, it's just a marketing ploy"
"Surely if you eat a little gluten once a day, you will build up a tolerance to it?"
"I used to struggle with gluten too" - what happened? Body transplant? Sign me up!
"Yes this is gluten free, gluten is killed off in high temperatures during frying"
"You must save so much money being gluten free", Yes at £3.00 for a loaf with more holes than slices, I'm rolling in it. 
"Are you celeriac?" Yes, I'm a vegetable. 
"I can relate to the pain of food allergies because I used to be vegetarian". It must be so difficult to make a choice over what food you do and don't eat, then decide it's too difficult and give it up. FINALLY someone understands me...

And my personal favourite...

"Go on... a little bit won't matter"

Have I missed any out?

I know that there are countless statements made that people have said to you about being gluten free which would have made you bite your lip on occasion! I'd love to know anything that I have missed in the comments below - vent away!


  1. When on a first date, he told the server I was a fussy eater... it was also our last date

  2. One I always get is the "Can you have potatoes?" I don't know if there's people that just seems to think because Gluten is in a lot of carbs we just can't have carbs! :(

    1. I know! My diet is 50% carbs... I'd cry without them!

  3. Someone told me that my son would grow out of it..so made them stand and listen to my rant about autoimmune diseases and that it's not a add.

    1. Love this! I'm fortunate enough not to be celiac however I can totally understand why a comment like this would get your back up!

  4. When ppl say oh I think im a bit like that too whilst tucking into a big normal sandwich! Uh nooooo, it's a medical condition and if you really do feel like that then get tested!!

    1. YES!!!! When I worked in hospitality I had people ordering gluten free pasta with a side ofv garlic bread... tars us all with the same 'fussy' brush!

  5. Oh so that means you can't have dairy... Said the chef.
    You can't have the risotto it contains rice... Said another chef

    1. I know, either that or they drop the dreaded allergens folder in front of you and leave you to check every item individually on the menu!

  6. OK, I'll not put any cream in your sauce, then. 😐

    1. I'm currently on a low fod-map diet, however before cream was in most dishes I made!

  7. When asking about Gluten Free options in a restaurant being told ... "We have a Vegan menu, will that be suitable" Gadddd Nooooo!!!

    1. I know hahaha. That and when something that's gluten free HAS to be vegan too?! I don't want a lactose free pizza!

  8. "Can you eat waffles?" "Do you want some cake?" And my personal favorite "We can't guarantee anything will be safe, why don't you just go somewhere else and come join your family later?" I have literally be kicked out of a restaurant. It's a struggle.

    1. I cannot believe that! I was once served a gluten free dish with a slice of bread on top. Challenged the waiter and was told "just lift the bread off"

  9. do you cheat ? im gluten free not diagnosed but following the diet well just the bread part

    1. Since I went 100% gluten free even the sniff of it is enough to send my symptoms into overdrive! I WISH I could cheat!

  10. I wish that I could share what my 16 year old has had to face since being diagnosed 6 months ago..it is not printable. His pet hate is those who choose to go gluten free drives him nuts.

  11. be like me and educate with all the gory details they take it in then and always remember you next time especially as im a taxi driver

    1. Hahaha I love this one. I'm usually v. embarrassed when people ask me "what happens" if I eat gluten! I'll use this in future if I can muster up the courage!


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